
Table of Contents > Validation Checks by Category

Check Single CAD Format File (SCFF) Validation Rules

CAD-VR04 – Topological Check

CAD-VR04-01 - Traverse and radiation lines

Example Messages

  • Start point and/or end point of traverse line(s) with CAD feature ID(s) ‘e3f4, e3f5, e3f6’ have not been defined in SCFF. All traverses and radiations must have start and end points defined in SCFF.

Rule Description

  • All traverse and radiation lines must have start and end points defined in SCFF.


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02

CAD-VR04-02 - Geometry of common parcel boundaries

Example Messages

  • Parcels with CAD feature IDs ‘e3f4, e3f6’ share a common boundary starting from the same coordinates ‘5825179.63106 330676.60143’ and ending at different coordinates ‘5825237.47505 330665.59208, 5825237.47705 330665.59308’. Please make sure that boundaries common between multiple parcels have the same start and end points.

Rule Description

  • Parcel boundaries having the same start point and the same rounded bearing/distance (according to Survey Practice Handbook – Victoria) must have the same end points.


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02

CAD-VR04-03 - Geometry of overlapping boundaries

Example Messages

  • The lines in layer ‘LINE-NATURAL-BOUNDARY’ with CAD feature ID ‘e3f4’ overlap the boundaries of Parcel with CAD feature ID ‘e3h4’. However, the overlapped lines are not made of the same points. Please make sure that parcel boundaries that overlap lines in Natural Boundary, Unsurveyed Boundary, or Building Boundary layers are made of the same points in those layers.

Rule Description

  • Parcel boundaries that overlap lines in Natural Boundary, Unsurveyed Boundary, or Building Boundary layers must be made of the same points in those layers.


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02

CAD-VR04-04 - Self-intersecting parcels

Example Messages

  • Parcels with CAD feature IDs ‘e3g4, e3g5, e3g6’ are self-intersected.

Rule Description

  • Parcels cannot self-intersect


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02

CAD-VR04-05 - Parcel vertices

Example Messages

  • Parcel with CAD feature ID ‘e3g4’ include multiple vertices with the same coordinates (‘330151.490, 5825595.136’), (‘331125.373, 5825518.937’). Please remove all duplicated vertices in this parcel.

Rule Description

  • There must be no duplicated vertices in parcels.


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02

CAD-VR04-06 - Road connection to subject parcel

Example Messages

  • The road alignments with CAD feature IDs ‘e3g4, e3g5, e3g6’ is/are not appropriately connected to the subject parcel(s) with CAD feature ID(s) ‘e3g4, e3g5, e3g6’. The road alignment in a plan should be defined by connecting it through the parcel boundary points that intersect or are coincident with the road. This is required so that road connections can be determined and displayed on the plan visualisation. At a minimum, the outer corners of the subject land should be used to define the road alignment, together with the road polyline (or polygon).

Rule Description

  • Road connections must be appropriately connected to the subject parcel through coincident and intersected points.


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02

CAD-VR04-07 - Position of PMs, PCMs, Traverse Points and Reference Marks

Example Messages

  • Points with CAD feature IDs ‘e3g4, e3g5’ are positioned at the same location (‘330151.490, 5825595.136’). Positioning the combination of PMs, PCMs, Traverse Points and Reference Marks at the same location is not allowed.

Rule Description

  • Positioning the combination of PMs, PCMs, Traverse Points and Reference Marks at the same location (coordinates) is not allowed.


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02

CAD-VR04-08 - Boundary point uniqueness check

Example Messages

  • Boundary points positioned at the coordinates (‘330151.490, 5825595.136’) seem to be duplicated in the drawing. Please double check these points in SCFF, use the correct boundary points to form parcels, and remove the unnecessary points to avoid issues with the ePlan creation and PDF plan visualisation.

Rule Description

  • Drawing has duplicated boundary points to common parcel boundaries


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02

CAD-VR04-09 - CAD feature uniqueness check

Example Messages

  • There are multiple features with identical geometry and coordinates in layer ‘LOT-CREATED’. The CAD feature IDs are as follows: ‘e3g4, e3g5’. Drawing features with identical geometry and coordinates within the same layer is not allowed.

Rule Description

  • Drawing identical features is not allowed in the same CAD layer.


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02

CAD-VR04-10 - Connection between building return and parcel boundary

Example Messages

  • There are some building returns in layer ‘LINE-BUILDING-RETURN’ which are not connected to the non-cancelled parcels boundary points. The CAD feature IDs are as follows: ‘e3g4, e3g5’. Every building return must be connected to a boundary point of a non-cancelled parcel either directly or through another connected building return.

Rule Description

  • Building returns must be connected to the non-cancelled primary parcels boundary points.


  • CAD-VR01
  • CAD-VR02