
Table of Contents > Validation Checks by Category

Check Buildings

VR098 - Building Format Parcel

Example Messages

  • Parcel "1\PS123456" has a parcel format of '2D Building' but does not contain any boundaries defined by a building. One or more boundaries in this parcel must have a description.
  • Standard Parcel "1\PS123456" containing building boundary description should specify the parcel format as "2D Building".
  • Multipart parcel "1\PS123456" has a parcel format of "2D Building" but none of its part parcels including "1-p1, 1-p2, 1-p3" have a parcel format of "2D Building". At least one of the part parcels "1-p1, 1-p2, 1-p3" must have parcel format of "2D Building".
  • Part parcel "1-p1\PS123456" has a parcel format of "2D Building" but its parent multipart parcel "1\PS123456" has a parcel format of "Standard". Multipart parcel "1\PS123456" must have parcel format of "2D Building".
  • Part parcel "1-p1\PS123456" has a parcel format of "2D Building" but its parent parcel "1\PS123456" has no parcel format. Multipart parcel "1\PS123456" must have parcel format of "2D Building".

Rule Description

  • Parcels with a parcel format of "2D Building" must have at least one line with description.
  • Parcels with one or more lines with a description must have a parcel format of "2D Building".
  • 2D Building multipart parcel must refer to at least one 2D Building part parcel.
  • A 2D Building part parcel must be referenced by a 2D Building multipart parcel.
  • When a multipart parcel references 2D Building part parcels then it must have a parcelFormat of "2D Building" itself.

Rule does not apply to easement parcels.

VR099 - Building Boundaries Manual Check

Example Messages

  • Parcel "1\PS123456" contains building boundaries. Manual check is required.

Rule Description

For all parcels with a parcelType of "2D Building", flag for information.

VR104 - Building Boundary Description

Example Messages

  • A building boundary of "Middle" defined as part of "1\PS123456" is not one of the allowed building boundary types. The description must be one of "Interior Face, Exterior Face, Median, Other".
  • The same building boundary between "CGPNT-9" and "CGPNT-10" used in parcels "1\PS123456, 2\PS123456" has different descriptions of "Exterior Face, Median".

Rule Description

  • The description must be one of the values defined in the lineDescType enumeration.
  • The description specified for a building boundary must be consistent across all 2D Building parcels.

VR112 - Section 12(2) Notations

Example Messages

  • Parcel(s) "1\PS123456, 2\PS123456" have the parcel format of "2D Building" and include boundaries defined by building, but plan has not specified the Section 12(2) notation.
  • Plan has created Owners Corporation but has not specified whether Section 12(2) of the Subdivision Act 1988 applies using appropriate annotation. The annotation must specify either "Section 12(2) of the Subdivision Act 1988 applies vide this plan" or "Section 12(2) of the Subdivision Act 1988 does not apply vide this plan".

Rule Description

  • If the plan contains building boundary, then 'Section 12(2) of the Subdivision Act 1988 applies vide this plan' annotation must be specified.
  • If the plan contains created Owners Corporation, then one of the following annotations must be specified:

       a) 'Section 12(2) of the Subdivision Act 1988 applies vide this plan' or

       b) 'Section 12(2) of the Subdivision Act 1988 does not apply vide this plan'.

Rule is not applicable if the plan does not include building boundary and created Owners Corporation.