
Table of Contents > Validation Checks by Category

Check ePlan CIF Structural Consistency

Validation Rules

VR001 - ePlan CIF Schema Validation

Example Messages

  • Schema error at /LandXML/CgPoints/CgPoint/@name - Blank values are not allowed for CgPoint/@name. Please ensure a value has been set for @name.
  • Schema error at /LandXML/CgPoints/CgPoint/@pntSurv - 'boudndary' is not an allowable value for CgPoint/@pntSurv. Please select a valid reference value for this attribute.
  • Schema error at /LandXML/Parcels/Parcel/@area - 's' is not a valid input data type for Parcel/@area. Expecting a type of double.
  • Schema error at /LandXML/Parcels/Parcel/@name - "1\PS123456" is duplicated for attribute Parcel/@name. Values for this attribute must be unique.
  • Schema error at line 49 column 63 - There is an error in the format of the file. Please contact your software provider for support.

Rule Description

The CIF must conform to the following XML schema validations:
The schema validations check the following:

  • Mandatory elements and attributes
  • Uniqueness of identifiers, such as names of Parcel, CgPoint, Monuments
  • References of ePlan elements, such as pclRef, pntRef

Attribute values checked against valid values list from Victorian enumeration set (denoted with enum:), for example the value of surveyType is restricted to compiled, computed or surveyed.

VR002 - Survey Header Completeness

Example Messages

  • The plan has not defined at least one head of power.
  • The plan has not defined at least one purpose of survey.
  • The plan has not defined the surveyor who surveyed the plan.
  • The purpose of survey <purposeOfSurvey> has been entered multiple times.

Rule Description

A subdivision plan must:

  • Define at least one head of power.
  • Define at least one purpose of survey.
  • Specify the licensed surveyor who surveyed the plan.
  • Purpose of Survey must be unique.

VR003 - Multipart Parcel Completeness

Example Messages

  • Parcel "1\PS123456" is described as a multipart parcel but less than two part parcels are referenced.
  • Part parcel "1-p3\PS123456" has not been referenced by any multipart parcel.
  • Part parcel "1-p3\PS123456" cannot be referenced by more than one multipart parcel; it is currently referenced from "1\PS123456, 2\PS123456".
  • Part parcel "4-p1\PS123456" has a different plan number to its parent multipart parcel "4\PS630837".
  • Part parcel "1-p2\PS123456" is a Road, it cannot be referenced by a multipart Lot.
  • Part parcel "1-p2\PS123456" is existing, it cannot be referenced by a multipart parcel that is created.
  • Part parcel '2-p1\PS123456' has owner '<Part Parcel Owner>', it cannot be referenced by a multipart parcel that has owner '<Multipart Parcel Owner>'.

Rule Description

A multipart parcel must have at least two part parcels and a part parcel must be linked to exactly one multipart parcel. In addition, the plan number (value after '\' in name), class and state of a part parcel must be consistent with its parent multipart parcel. Rule is not applicable if plan does not have any multipart and part parcels. Also, it does not apply to easements.

VR089 - Sequential Part Numbers

Example Messages

  • Part parcels "p2, p3" linked to the multipart parcel "1\PS123456" do not start at p1.
  • Part parcels "p1, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13" linked to the multipart parcel "RST1\PS123456" is not sequential.

Rule Description

Part parcels linked to a multipart parcel must have their part number starting at p1 and increment by 1 sequentially. Rule is not applicable if plan does not have any multipart and part parcels. Also, it does not apply to parcels linked to non-geometry easements.

VR004 - Parcel Geometry Exists

Example Messages

  • The geometry of "1\PS123456" has not been specified. Some boundary lines (including curved and irregular lines) are missing.
  • Parcel "1\PS123456" has lines that do not have a corresponding observation with a purpose of 'normal'. These lines are between <CGPNT-3> and <CGPNT-2>; <CGPNT-12> and <CGPNT-14>.

Rule Description

  • All primary and easement parcels must define a spatial extent.
  • All lines forming a parcel geometry must have 'normal' purpose except for created part roads.


Spatial extent is not required for multipart parcels. However for each part parcel of the multipart parcel, the spatial extent must be provided.

VR005 - Easement Purpose Exists

Example Messages

  • Easement parcel "EAS1\PS123456" does not specify a purpose.
  • Easement parcel "EAS1\PS123456" has specified an invalid purpose of "Fire Equipment". See Victorian Reference Data List for valid values.
  • Easement parcel "E1" with parcel format of "Geometry" must not have a purpose.
  • Easement parcel "EAS1\PS123456" has specified a purpose of "Other", but it is not linked to any annotation with type "Easement Purpose".
  • Annotation "ANNO-2" with type "Easement Purpose" has been linked to Easement parcel "EAS1\PS123456", however this easement has specified purpose "Drainage and Sewerage" instead of "Other".
  • "Easement Purpose" annotation "ANNO-5" has the same purpose ("Drainage and Sewerage") as the linked Easement parcel “EAS1\PS123456". "Easement Purpose" annotations should only be assigned to an easement when its purpose does not exist in the Victorian Reference Data List.

Rule Description

An easement must specify a valid easement purpose as useOfParcel. If an easement has a purpose of "Other", an annotation with type "Easement Purpose” must be assigned to it and vice versa. All valid easement purposes can be found in Victorian Reference Data List (Section 6). Rule is not applicable if plan does not have any easements.

VR006 - Owners Corporation Limitation Exists

Example Messages

  • Owners Corporation "OC1\PS123456" does not specify the limitation of power.
  • Owners Corporation "OC1\PS123456" has specified invalid limitation of power of "Limiteed". See Victorian Reference Data List for valid values.

Rule Description

An Owners Corporation must specify a valid limitation of power as useOfParcel. Valid values are:

  • Unlimited
  • Limited
  • Limited to CP

Rule is not applicable if plan does not have any Owners Corporations.

VR007 - Admin Area Parcel Description Exists

Example Messages

  • Administrative area parcel "LGA-365" does not have a description identifying the name.

Rule Description

An administrative area parcel must have a description identifying the name. Rule does not apply to part parcels.

VR009 - Primary Parcel Address Exists

Example Messages

  • Address of parcel "1\PS123456" has not been specified.
  • Parcel "1\PS123456" cannot have an address with a "first number suffix" of "AB". The first or last street number suffix must only include one character (capital letter).
  • Parcel "1\PS123456" cannot have an address with administrative area type of "LGA". Administrative area type must be "Locality" only.

Rule Description

Existing/Affected/Extinguished Lots, Stage Lots and Reserves must specify a street address. If provided, the first and last street number suffix must include only one character (capital letter). If provided, administrative area type must be "Locality" only.

VR010 - PM and PCM Completeness

Example Messages

  • Permanent Mark "DOOEN PM 31" has not been fully captured. Provide monument information including monument type, state and condition for this survey point.
  • Permanent Mark "KEELBUNDORA PM 857" has invalid 9 figure number "253400".
  • Permanent Mark "253400310" does not have a name specified.
  • Control point "CGPNT-19" has not been fully captured as <PM/PCM>. Provide details such as 9 figure number, description, datum, creation date, currency date, order, GDA source, and GDA technique.

Rule Description

Permanent marks (PM) and permanent cadastral marks (PCM) must be fully described by capturing the following elements:

  • CgPoint
  • Monument
  • InstrumentSetup
  • RedHorizontalPosition
  • (optional) RedVerticalObservation

VR011 - Reference Mark Completeness

Example Messages

  • Reference Mark "CGPNT-16" has not been fully captured. Provide monument information including monument type, state and condition for this reference mark.
  • Reference Mark "CGPNT-41" should not have positional information attached. Remove survey mark's details assigned to this reference mark such as description, 9 figure number, creation date, currency date, order, GDA source, and GDA technique.

Rule Description

A reference mark (RM) is identified by having CgPoint@pntSurv="reference", it must have an associated Monument with pntRef set to CgPoint@name. It must also not have an associated RedHorizontalPosition and RedVerticalObservation.

VR012 - Instrument Point Completeness

Example Messages

  • Traverse point "CGPNT-14" is missing matching Instrument Point. Please contact SPEAR Service Desk.

Rule Description

An instrument point (IP) is identified by having CgPoint@pntSurv="traverse", it must have an associated InstrumentSetup with pntRef set to CgPoint@name. Not applicable for plans not having CgPoint@pntSurv="traverse".

VR014 - Instrument Setup to Point Reference

Example Messages

  • Instrument Point "IS-38" should not reference an unconnected point "CGPNT-38". Please contact SPEAR Service Desk.

Rule Description

  • Instrument setup points must contain a valid pntRef to a valid CgPoint (checked by VR001).
  • The referenced CgPoint must not be a sideshot point e.g. centroid, unless it was connected by a 'topo' observation e.g. used in road splay intersections.

VR015 - Instrument Setup in Observation

Example Messages

  • Instrument Point "IS-38" assigned to "CGPNT-38" is not used by any observation. Please contact SPEAR Service Desk.

Rule Description

All instrument setup points in the plan must be used by at least one observation.

VR085 - Non-Survey Points

Example Messages

  • "CGPNT-1" which is the centre of "1\PS123456" should not be captured as a "boundary" point.
  • Centre of curve "OBS-11" should not be captured as a "boundary" point. Centre of curves should be captured as "sideshot". Please contact SPEAR Service Desk.
  • “CGPNT-1” which is the address reference point of “1\PS123456” should not be captured as a "boundary" point.

Rule Description

All non-survey points including parcel centre, curve center and address reference points must be sideshot CgPoints.


"Not Applicable" for text only plans.

VR016 - Unconnected Points

Example Messages

  • Point "CGPNT-71" has not been used in any line geometry. Please remove this point from your drawing, or connect it to other relevant points.

Rule Description

All non-sideshot CgPoints must be connected to the survey.


"Not Applicable" for text only plans.

VR085 - Non-Survey Points

VR017 - Redundant Observations

Example Messages

  • Redundant dimension between "CGPNT-7" and "CGPNT-42". Please remove this observation, or use it to form a parcel.
  • Multiple observations "OBS-1" and "OBS-4" are found between "CGPNT-7" and "CGPNT-42". Remove the unnecessary ones.

Rule Description

  • Each normal Observation must have at least one corresponding Line or Curve used in CoordGeom.
  • All normal, sideshot, topo and traverse observations must not be a duplicate of another observation, including the reverse direction.


A duplicate of a normal observation is allowed if the duplicate is for the double line in a donut parcel.

A duplicate of 1 normal and 1 topo line is allowed.


"Not Applicable" for text only plans.

VR088 - Non-boundary Observations

Example Messages

  • Arc Observation "OBS-21" cannot have the purpose of “traverse”. Arc Observations can only have the purpose of "boundary" or "topo".

Rule Description

Arc observations must only be used as boundary observations or topo lines.

VR018 - Annotation Parcel References

Example Messages

  • Annotation "ANNO-1" having type "Easement Origin" does not provide a parcel reference.
  • Annotation "ANNO-1" having type "Easement Origin" references parcel "1\PS123456" but this parcel does not exist.
  • Annotation "ANNO-1" having type "Crown Portion" provides a parcel reference of "1\PS123456" but should not reference any parcels.

Rule Description

The following annotations must specify parcel reference(s):

  • Parcel with Area by Deduction
  • Easement Purpose
  • Easement Origin
  • Easement Beneficiary
  • Easement Width
  • Easement Qualification
  • Owners Corporation Notation
  • Restriction Expiry Date
  • Section 35 Compulsory
  • Section 35 Agreement
  • Building Boundary Notation

pclRef is a list of parcel references separated by a space. Each parcel reference must refer to a valid parcel name in the survey plan.

The following annotations should not reference a parcel:

  • Planning Permit
  • Report on Datum
  • Instrument and Calibration Details
  • Crown Section
  • Crown Allotment
  • Crown Portion
  • Other Crown Description
  • Supply of Supplementary Field Record Notation
  • Additional Purpose of Plan
  • Future Plan Number

VR119 - Duplicated Annotations

Example Messages

  • Duplicate annotations found with type "Parcel with Area by Deduction" and parcel "BL1\PS623100".
  • Duplicate annotations found with type "Instrument and Calibration Details" and description "Leica TC 1010 No 365641 Calibrated at Bendigo Baseline May 2008".
  • Two annotations related to Section 12(2) including "Section 12(2) of the Subdivision Act 1988 applies vide this plan" and "Section 12(2) of the Subdivision Act 1988 does not apply vide this plan" have been provided but a plan can only have one of them.

Rule Description

Identify duplicate annotations. Criteria for identifying a duplicate is:

  • If the annotation has a parcel reference, then a duplicate has the same combination of Type and parcel reference.
  • If the annotation has no parcel reference, then a duplicate has the same combination of Type and description.

Also check:

  • Only one, not both, of the Section 12(2) annotations are provided.


"Not Applicable" for text only plans.

VR018 - Annotation Parcel Reference

VR019 - Title Reference

Example Messages

  • Extinguished lot "1\BP630" does not specify a valid title reference.

Rule Description

  • Title references must be specified for all extinguished and affected lots and stage lots as well as existing lots in Boundary Plans.
  • Title name must be in the standard VOTS format of volume/folio.

VR079 - Depth Limitation Parcel Description Exists

Example Messages

  • Depth limitation "DL1" does not have a description.

Rule Description

A depth limitation must have a description which contains the text describing the depth limitation.

VR096 - Observation Purpose and Point Type Consistency

Example Messages

  • Traverse observation "OBS-21" is linked to "CGPNT-4"(boundary) and "CGPNT-38" (control) points. Traverse observations can only be linked to "control", "reference" and "traverse" points.
  • Sideshot observation (radiation "OBS-32" is linked to "CGPNT-30"(natural boundary) and "CGPNT-19"(boundary) points. Sideshot observations cannot have both ends linked to "boundary" points.
  • Normal observation "OBS-1" is linked to "CGPNT-102"(boundary) and "CGPNT-98"(reference) points. Normal observations must be linked to "boundary", "natural boundary", "administrative" or splay corner points only.
  • Topo observation (construction) "OBS-213" is linked to "CGPNT-80"(traverse) and "CGPNT-93"(boundary) points. Topo observations must be linked to "boundary" or "sideshot" points only.

Rule Description

  • For all Observation elements with a purpose of "traverse", setupIDs must point to CgPoints with pntSurv of "control", "reference" or "traverse" only.
  • For all Observation elements with a purpose of "sideshot", check both setupIDs are not CgPoints with pntSurv of "boundary".
  • For all Observations with a purpose of "normal", both setupIDs must point to CgPoints with pntSurv of "boundary", "natural boundary", or "administrative" or be a splay corner point.
  • For all Observations with a purpose of "topo", both setupIDs must point to CgPoints with pntSurv of "boundary" or "sideshot".

VR101 - CoordGeom for Abuttals and Connections

Example Messages

  • The sequence of lines in Parcel "ROAD-3" is out of order. Lines forming this parcel include "CGPNT-2", "CGPNT-5", "CGPNT-41", "CGPNT-4".

Rule Description

The CoordGeom of abuttals must be structured correctly with the end point of every line matching the start point of the next line.


VR004 - Parcel Geometry Exists

VR107 - Partial Survey with Not Fully Surveyed Parcels

Example Messages

  • This plan is based on partial survey, but there is no created or affected lot, stage lot, road, reserve, or common property identified as not fully surveyed.
  • "Parcel with Area by Deduction" annotation is provided, but the type of plan is specified as "surveyed" which is different to the expected type of "compiled" (Partial Survey).

Rule Description

  • For a Partial survey plan, there must be at least one created or affected lot, stage lot, road, reserve or common property which is not fully surveyed.
  • If a "Parcel with Area by Deduction" annotation is provided, then the plan must be a Partial survey plan.

VR118 - Consistency of Datum

Example Messages

  • The zone number provided for the coordinate system datum (55) does not match the zone number provided with the CgPoints (54).
  • Horizontal datum "Local" and datum "MGA2020_Zone54" do not match. If horizontal datum is 'Local', datum must be 'Approx True North' and vice versa.
  • Horizontal datum "MGA2020_Zone54" of survey mark "SKIPTON PM 116" does not match the plan horizontal datum "MGA2020_Zone55".

Rule Description

  • The zone number in the Coordinate System datum should be the same as the zone number in the CgPoints; e.g. datum has "MGA94_Zone55" matches zoneNumber with "55".
  • If horizontal datum is "Local", datum must be "Approx True North" and vice versa.
  • Survey mark's horizontal datum must be same as plan horizontal datum.


"Not Applicable" for text only plans.

VR132 - Required Annotations

Example Messages

  • Plans under Section 23 of the Subdivision Act 1988 must have a "Purpose of Plan" annotation.
  • Plans with a secondary purpose of Section 23 of the Subdivision Act 1988 must have an "Additional Purpose of Plan" annotation.
  • Plans under Section 23 of the Subdivision Act 1988 that remove or vary an easement/restriction/crown grant condition must provide a "Grounds for Removal or Grounds for Variation" annotation.
  • Plan under Section 24A of the Subdivision Act 1988 requires a "Grounds for Removal" annotation.
  • Plan under Section 32B of the Subdivision Act 1988 does not require the annotation "Grounds for Vesting".

Rule Description

  • If the primary purpose of the plan is one of:

       a) Section 23

       b) Section 24A

       c) Section 32B

    then a "Purpose of Plan" annotation is required.

  • If Section 23 or 24A is provided as a secondary purpose then an "Additional Purpose of Plan" annotation is required.
  • A Section 23 plan (as either a primary or secondary purpose) that involves removing or varying something requires the respective "Grounds for Removal" or "Grounds for Variation" annotation.
  • A Section 24A plan (as either a primary or secondary purpose) requires a "Grounds for Removal" or "Grounds for Vesting" annotation depending on its purpose.
  • If Section 32B, then no "Grounds for..." annotations are required.


"Not Applicable" if plan is not Section 23, Section 24A or Section 32B.

VR136 - Parcel Types Referenced By Annotations

Example Messages

The annotation "ANNO-6" of type "Parcel with Area by Deduction" can only reference parcels that have "class=Lot, Stage Lot, Reserve, Road, Common Property". Annotation "ANNO-6" references "31~2\PP5509" but this parcel does not meet the criteria as it has "class= Crown Allotment".

Rule Description

The annotations1 listed in VR018 require a parcel reference. Some of these annotations can only reference certain types of parcels. Parcel types that can be referenced are as follows:

Any Parcels

  • Section 35 Compulsory
  • Section 35 Agreement

Parcel with class="Lot"|"Stage Lot"|"Reserve"|"Road"|"Common Property" and useOfParcel="Not Fully Surveyed"

  • Parcel with Area by Deduction

Parcel with class= "Easement" and parcelFormat!=Geometry

  • Easement Purpose
  • Easement Origin
  • Easement Beneficiary
  • Easement Qualification
  • Implied Easement Notation (if pclRef supplied)

Parcel with class= "Easement" and parcelFormat=Geometry

  • Easement Width

Parcel with class= "Restriction"

  • Restriction Expiry Date

Parcel with class= "Owners Corporation"

  • Owners Corporation Notation


"VR018 - Annotation Parcel References