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Request for Further Information

This action is commonly used to prompt applicants to provide more information than is currently included in their application.

Requesting further information creates a mandatory action for the applicant to respond with the additional information within the specified time frame. Once a response has been added by the applicant, a mandatory action will be created for the requesting party (either the Responsible Authority or Referral Authority) to "Assess Response to Request for Further Information Request".

The "Request for Further Information" must be added to SPEAR in PDF format and may be completed in one of two ways:

  1. either by attaching a PDF file, or
  2. entering text directly into the text box provided, so that SPEAR creates the PDF file for you.

How to add a Request for Further Information to SPEAR

You will need to complete the following actions:

  1. Select "Add Request for Further Information" from the "Other Actions" drop down list, and click on the 'go' button.
  2. Browse for, and attach the appropriate PDF file, or type your response directly into the field provided.
  3. A response is required within 60 days (SPEAR sets this default). If necessary you are able to modify this value. NOTE: for referral authorities, this step is not required.
  4. Type a brief description of the request into the subject field provided.
  5. Select "Add Now" and a confirmation screen will display if the document was added successfully. NOTE: if you have suppressed the "Attach Document" confirmation via settings, you will be returned directly to the Details Screen.
  6. Click 'Return' to go back to the Details Screen.
  7. To complete this process, the "Request for Further Information" must then be authenticated using your SPEAR password.

How to withdraw a Request for Further Information

  1. On the application details tab, select "Withdraw" from the drop down list next to the RFI
  2. Click the 'go' button.

If you require further information, see User Guide 5 - Request for Further Information.